Our red-legged Devon partridge are a best seller. All our feathered Game is locally sourced from shoots in our surrounding area. There are many benefits to game meat, but rest-assured that our partridge is a wild and natural product that is not only hormone free, but low in fat, cholesterol and carbon miles too! Partridge is a versatile protein that makes any dish feel very elegant. When compared to chicken or other poultry, partridge is higher in protein, but lower in calories and saturated fat, with a delicious delicate flavour – Due to its small size, partridge can be cooked whole with the legs on.
We only select the finest and perfect produce for our range, any product with excessive shot will be repurposed for a different market.
Please note the open season for Partridge in the UK is the 1st September to 1st February. It is only during this time that we will have a fresh supply of our partridge. This product is therefore currently out of season and we have limited frozen stock
Curtis Pitts offers a wide selection of the very best in wild food. Game meat offers excellent health benefits in that it is very low in cholesterol, high in protein and naturally rich in flavour. All produce is locally harvested and sourced by Curtis Pitts, who prides himself on only selling the finest game meat, distributed on a national level. The seasonality of venison means that it is available from the start of August to the end of April.